Why We Built Webhook Simulator

Why We Built Webhook Simulator

Deniz Birlik
Deniz Birlik
·5 min read

Hey there, fellow developers! I'm Deniz, and I want to share the story of why my team and I decided to create Webhook Simulator. It all started with a personal pain point in my development workflow.

Years ago, as I found myself working more frequently with webhooks, I noticed a significant gap in our toolset. Sure, we had great tunneling tools like Ngrok, but they weren't quite solving the problem I was facing.

Picture this: you're developing locally, waiting for a webhook call from an API. Ngrok does its job, forwarding the incoming call to your local environment. But here's the catch – you need that call to come in first!

This is where things got tricky. Many APIs have limited or no webhook testing capabilities. They can't send test payloads on demand. And let's be honest, waiting hours for a real event to occur just to test your webhook handler isn't exactly efficient development, is it?

I found myself at a crossroads with two options:

  1. Scour API docs for sample payloads (if I was lucky enough to find them) and use tools like Postman to send them to my localhost. This method bypassed Ngrok entirely and felt primitive at best.

  2. Build my own tool. One that could generate payloads identical to real-world data.

Naturally, I chose the second path. But this journey wasn't a walk in the park.

Progress was slow initially. I had a full-time job, and webhook work wasn't a daily occurrence. Things picked up when I assembled a small team, and we set out with a simple goal: create a tool that works for the APIs we use most frequently.

After months of development, we had a working product. You can find more details about this journey on our changelog page.

In essence, Webhook Simulator started as a project to scratch my own itch. And boy, did it scratch it well. We've been using it extensively as a team, and it has dramatically accelerated our development process.

Gone are the days of jumping through hoops to develop a simple webhook endpoint. Now? We just fire up our CLI or web app, trigger a simulated event, and we're off to the races. It's that simple.

What Does This Tool Do?

Let me break down Webhook Simulator's core functionalities:

  1. Realistic Payload Generation: It produces payloads for a variety of APIs that are indistinguishable from the real thing. No more waiting for the API to send test data.

  2. Multi-Environment Support: Whether you're working on localhost or in a staging environment, Webhook Simulator has got you covered.

  3. Rapid Testing Cycles: With a few clicks or command-line instructions, you can trigger events and test your webhook implementations, dramatically reducing the feedback loop.

Webhook Simulator CLI Tool

How It Changed Our Development Workflow

  1. Time Efficiency: Tasks that used to take hours now take minutes. This frees us up to focus on core functionality rather than wrestling with testing infrastructure.

  2. Improved Reliability: By simulating various scenarios, including edge cases, we've significantly reduced the number of surprises we encounter in production.

  3. Enhanced Collaboration: It's now much easier to share and replicate webhook-related issues with team members, fostering better teamwork and faster problem-solving.

The Technical Nitty-Gritty

For the tech-savvy among you (which I assume is most of you), here's a peek under the hood:

  • Web Application: We built the entire web interface of Webhook Simulator using Laravel as our backend framework. For the frontend, we leveraged the power of Inertia.js, which allowed us to use Vue3 components while maintaining the convenience of Laravel routing. This combo gives us the best of both worlds - Laravel's robust ecosystem and Vue3's reactivity system.

  • UI Design: We used Tailwind CSS for styling our application. Its utility-first approach allowed us to create a sleek, responsive design quickly and efficiently.

  • Real-time Updates: For real-time functionality, we implemented Laravel Reverb. This Laravel-native WebSocket server enables us to push updates and notifications to the client instantly, creating a more interactive and responsive user experience.

  • CLI Tool: We've developed and released a CLI tool using Go to complement the web interface. This enables developers to integrate Webhook Simulator directly into their local development environments and CI/CD pipelines (Well, CI/CD pipeline feature is not ready yet, but it's coming very soon!). The choice of Go for the CLI ensures high performance and easy distribution across different platforms.

  • Payload Templates: We use a combination of static templates and dynamic generation scripts to create realistic payloads. These are continuously updated to match the latest API specifications of popular services.

  • Custom Scripting: We're working on a feature that will allow users to write custom scripts to modify payloads on the fly, enabling even more flexibility in testing edge cases.

This tech stack allows us to deliver a fast, responsive, and developer-friendly tool that seamlessly integrates into various workflows.

What's Next?

We're constantly expanding Webhook Simulator, adding support for new APIs and enhancing its capabilities. Our goal is to streamline the webhook development process across the industry.

If you're a developer working with webhooks, I'd love for you to give Webhook Simulator a spin. See how it can transform your workflow. And of course, your feedback is invaluable to us. We're counting on your insights to make this tool even better.

Remember, some of the best dev tools come from solving our own problems. That's how Webhook Simulator came to be. I hope it helps you build faster, more reliable applications with less headache.

Let's make webhook development a breeze, together!