Resolving Laravel Nova and Inertia.js Issues with Cloudflare

Resolving Laravel Nova and Inertia.js Issues with Cloudflare

Deniz Birlik
Deniz Birlik
·8 min read

Hi there! I'm Deniz, and I want to share some challenges we faced while building Webhook Simulator using Laravel and Inertia.js (Vue3), especially when integrating with Cloudflare. We'll cover the issues related to both Laravel Nova and Inertia.js, explain what caused them, and how we fixed them.


In building Webhook Simulator, our goal was to streamline webhook testing by providing tools for generating simulated data, forwarding real events, and efficiently debugging webhooks in local environments. You can learn more about our tool on our website.

We utilized Laravel for the backend and Inertia.js with Vue3 for the frontend. To enhance performance and security, we also incorporated Cloudflare into our stack. However, combining these technologies led to some unexpected issues that affected both Laravel Nova and Inertia.js applications. In this blog post, I'll discuss the major problems we faced, their underlying causes, and how we fixed them.

Issue 1: Laravel Nova with Cloudflare Rocket Loader

The Problem

When Cloudflare's Rocket Loader was enabled, the login page and other functionalities of Laravel Nova didn't load correctly. Pages appeared blank, and essential UI components were missing or unresponsive.

Understanding the Cause

Cloudflare's Rocket Loader optimizes page load times by asynchronously loading JavaScript resources. While this can enhance performance, it can interfere with applications that rely heavily on JavaScript for rendering and functionality, like Laravel Nova.

Laravel Nova is a powerful administration panel built with Vue.js, which depends on the proper execution order of JavaScript files. Rocket Loader modifies the way scripts are loaded, potentially minifying or deferring them in a manner that disrupts Nova's initialization process.

The Solution

To resolve this issue without disabling Rocket Loader for the entire site, we configured Cloudflare to bypass Rocket Loader specifically for the Nova routes.


  1. Access Cloudflare Dashboard: Log in to your Cloudflare account and navigate to the domain where Laravel Nova is deployed.

  2. Create a Page Rule: Go to the Rules section and select Page Rules.

  3. Define the Rule: Create a new page rule with the URL pattern that matches your Nova routes, such as:*
  1. Disable Rocket Loader: In the settings for this page rule, set Rocket Loader to Off.

  2. Save and Deploy: Save the page rule to ensure it's active.

By disabling Rocket Loader for the Nova routes, we allowed the JavaScript assets to load and execute in the correct order, restoring full functionality to the Laravel Nova interface.

In-Depth Analysis

The problem arises because Rocket Loader's optimization can alter the execution sequence of JavaScript files, which is critical for applications like Nova. Disabling it for specific routes ensures that essential scripts are loaded properly without sacrificing the performance benefits Rocket Loader provides to the rest of the site.

Issue 2: Inertia.js Bad Gateway Error on Page Refresh

The Problem

While using Inertia.js, we experienced 502 Bad Gateway errors when refreshing certain pages, especially those with extensive header data or assets. Navigating through the application worked fine, but refreshing or directly accessing these pages resulted in errors.

Understanding the Cause

A 502 Bad Gateway error indicates that the server, acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from an upstream server. In our case, Nginx was unable to handle the size of the headers being sent by the application.

Inertia.js includes additional data in HTTP headers, such as the X-Inertia header and detailed error messages. When these headers become large—due to validation errors or extensive data—they can exceed the default buffer sizes configured in Nginx and PHP-FPM.

The Solution

We adjusted the buffer sizes in the Nginx configuration to accommodate larger headers and response sizes.


  1. Edit Nginx Configuration: Open your Nginx configuration file, usually located at /etc/nginx/sites-available/your-site.

  2. Modify the PHP Location Block: Within the location ~ \.php$ {} block, add or update the following directives:

fastcgi_buffers 16 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
  1. Save and Test Configuration: Save the changes and test the configuration with:
sudo nginx -t
  1. Reload Nginx: If the test passes, reload Nginx to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl reload nginx

By increasing the fastcgi_buffers and fastcgi_buffer_size, we provided Nginx with sufficient buffer capacity to handle larger headers, eliminating the 502 Bad Gateway errors.

In-Depth Analysis

Nginx defaults are optimized for typical traffic, but applications like those built with Inertia.js may require handling larger headers due to the additional data they transmit. Adjusting the buffer sizes ensures that Nginx can process these requests without errors.

  • fastcgi_buffers: Specifies the number and size of buffers for FastCGI responses. Increasing these values allows Nginx to handle larger response payloads efficiently.

  • fastcgi_buffer_size: Defines the size of the buffer for the initial part of the response, including headers. A larger buffer size accommodates bigger headers without causing upstream errors.


Integrating Laravel Nova and Inertia.js with Cloudflare introduces unique challenges, particularly with features like Rocket Loader and handling of HTTP headers. Understanding the interplay between these technologies is crucial for diagnosing and resolving issues.

By carefully configuring Cloudflare and Nginx settings, we resolved the problems without compromising on performance or functionality. These solutions allowed us to continue leveraging the benefits of Cloudflare while ensuring our application ran smoothly.